Author Archives: devilsjunkshop

#RPGaDay 2018: Day 2

Question 2: What do you look for in an RPG?

I’m interested mostly in background, setting or premise. It’s cool if that’s accompanied by great design and art, but not essential; we’re all about imagination, after all.

I remain not that concerned about systems and mechanics. I’ll settle for a system that doesn’t annoy me, and if it does irk me but the premise of the game is sound, I’m perfectly happy to strip out whatever carefully judged and crafted structures the game creator has provided and just use whatever I’m comfortable with. Lately we’ve been playing a lot of OSR stuff – it’s basic, there are flaws, but it’s virtually invisible in play because everyone is so used to how that goes.

I was a player in a 4th edition Shadowrun game a while back and I find that buckets-of-dice style kind of grating so I’m especially looking for Not That. The characters and plot and action were great, the endless rolling not so much.

Roll dice as little as possible and not very many of them.

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Filed under RPGaDAY2018

#RPGaDay 2018: Day 1, redux

Question 1: What do you love about RPGs?

A few things spring to mind.

First and foremost the imagination and creativity of it all. From a GMing perspective I have to come up with things for the players to do every session. Or at the very least (and unless I’m using a pre-written scenario) I have to construct the initial framework that they’ll wilfully choose to ignore in favour of some ludicrous tangent… And then there’s all the people and places they meet along the way. Or trip over whilst heading at speed in any direction opposite to that of the prepared adventure.

As a player I’m responding to those creations from another GM, or another game background, and then working with my fellow players to come up with imaginative ways to abandon the carefully laid plans of the GM and have the characters go off and start a commune in the Outer Hebrides. Or, you know, staying on mission and putting our minds to work solving the actual mystery/puzzle that’s been presented to us.

In either case, as player or GM, I do very much enjoy the meanderings and strange encounters of characters inhabiting different time periods or exploring strange civilisations and societies. And it never ceases to amaze me that some off-hand remark or riff on a round-the-table joke can suddenly develop into a major and ongoing facet of a background.

I can’t think of any other form of entertainment that involves that level of mental engagement, that stretching of the creative muscles or that level of immersion in the theatre of the mind.

Also, I love the simplicity of it all. Of course it can be as complicated as you want it to be, and can involve figures, and floor-plans and moulded scenery and elaborate props…but it can also just be a group of people sitting around a table with some pencils, paper and dice (if that) and talking their way into other worlds and other lives.

“This merchant isn’t buying your story about where you got the goods. His bodyguard is starting to look jumpy. What are you going to do?”

And then of course there’s the whole social aspect of gathering together to game. I’ve occasionally dabbled with online stuff, but for the most part my gaming for the past several years has been face-t0-face around a table. In the old days of school and college, gaming was something that happened day and daily for years. But people grow up (sort of) and have responsibilities, and other commitments, so it’s cool that we can still meet up on a regular basis and adventure much like we did in the past. I don’t see any reason to ever stop.

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Filed under RPGaDAY2018

#RPGaDay 2018: Day 1

And so it begins, with me posting something at the last minute, as ever.

First things first, the list of questions for the month ahead:

list of questions about role-playing games for rpg-a-day 2018

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Filed under RPGaDAY2018

#RPGaDay 2018

It’s almost RPGaDay time again; the time of year when folk all over the blogs and social media do their bit to spread positive waves about role-playing games and generally share their experiences of playing, GMing, and thinking about games.

As always, I’ll be making an attempt to follow along with the daily posting schedule. This usually results in life getting in the way, and all of my answers arriving in unwieldy lumps towards the end of the month.

Perhaps this year will be different?

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Filed under gaming, RPGaDAY2018

randoms xvi: Bil (one L)

Bil (one L) and Crob were married at the second siege of Redraven. It hadn’t been the plan for either of them but fog of war and such—disparate cultures meeting on the field, warriors clashing in the fury of the press, the smoke and steel and cries and blood—these things were bound to happen sure as not.

Battle, as the wise-heads were wont to say, it is a complicated beast.

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Filed under WIP, writing

Moving day(s)

Attempting to move my wordpress blog to my pre-existing web-hosting with a different provider.

So far it’s going well. Although I’m not convinced I have everything pointing in the right direction as yet. No doubt it’ll all shake out over the next day or so.

Eventually it’ll have the old web address but at the moment I have this alternative ‘brokentoys’ one. Maybe. I dunno. Some things seem to already link just fine using the old address, other things/devices…not so much.

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